> 해외전시 및 행사 > 기타 국제전시회 > 대회공시

해외전시 및 행사

기타 국제전시회

유로 국제발명대회 EUROINVENT
작성자 : 관리자 2020-03-06

전시명칭 : 13회 유럽창의력발명혁신전시회(EUROINVENT)

2. 전시기간 : 2020. 5월21 ~ 23(3)

3. 전시장소 : 이아시 파라스 몰 (PALAS MALL IASI)

4. 전시규모 : 30개국 500여점

5. 주최 및 후원 : 루마니아발명협회, 게오르게 아사치 대학교,알렉산드루 이오안 쿠자 대학교, 유럽 다이렉트 정보

6. 시상제도 : 작 품 : 금상, 은상, 동상 및 특별상 등


We are honored to invite you to The 12th Edition of EUROINVENT – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation
held in Iasi, Romania, May 21-23, 2020 at Palace of Culture Iasi.
The event promotes creativity and innovation in international context.
The last edition showed over 500 inventions and projects, being the largest in Eastern Europe.
During EUROINVENT leading inventors, researchers, engineers and scientists will present actual research issues in all fields of research.

Under the auspices of EUROINVENT take place:
1. Inventions and Research Exhibition
2. International Conference on Innovative Research (ICIR)
3. Technical-Scientifically, Artistic and Literary Book Salon
4. European Visual Art Exhibition

Exhibition purpose:
» Dissemination of research results;
» Partnerships and agreements;
» Creating and developing new research ideas;
» Technology transfer; Implementation




21-23 MAY 2020

Registration opens: January 10
Registration closes: April 1
